Marquesina - Easy ENGLISH - 50 CLAVES

* EASY ENGLISH - 50 CLAVES - Grammar *

Easy ENGLISH - conexión

* FAIRY Holiday * in the OLD times...

* FAIRY Holiday * in the OLD times...
TITANIA y OBERON (Sueño en la NOCHE del SOLsticio de Verano)

Marquesina * Easy SPANISH - 50 clues - Grammar *

* Easy SPANISH - 50 clues - GRAMMAR *

Conexión - SPANISH - 50 CLUES

LERMA * Villa Ducal

* TERAPIAS Naturales & INFORMACION general...

* TERAPIAS Naturales * ISBN 978-84-939373-5-5

* TERAPIAS Naturales * ISBN 978-84-939373-5-5
"TÚ mism@ puedes SER tu guía" * (Libro 2º) Depósito Legal:- VA-789-2016

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* * *

domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

PAGANAS antiguas celebraciones de FERTILIDAD en PrimaVera (Hemisferio Norte)

“The traditional coloring and giving of eggs at EASTER
has very pagan associations.

For EGGs are clearly one of the most potent symbols of FERTILITY,
and SPRING is the season when ANIMALs begin to mate

and FLOWERS and trees pollinate and reproduce.”

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